KLASSE14 X KTMSS愛心願望豬2019
KLASSE 14 x KTMSS LOVELY BLESSINGS PIGGIES Fundraising campaign 2019
You can Make Donations through the following methods:
- 網上捐款 Online donation
- 7-ELEVEN 現金捐款 Cash donation at 7-eleven stores
您可以列印捐款回條及攜同捐款條碼,到全港任何一間7-ELEVEN 以現金捐款(最低捐款額為$100)。收銀員完成交易後會發收據給您。請將收據連同填妥之捐款回條郵寄/傳真或電郵給我們。
You can print out the donation slip with the code and make donation at any 7-eleven (minimum donation as $100). Please send us the donation slip via email blessingpiggy@ktmss.org.hk or fax 23452676 - 郵寄支票 Cheque
您可以將劃線支票連同填妥之捐款回條郵寄給我們,支票抬頭請填「循道衛理觀塘社會服務處」或「Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service」
You can send us the crossed cheque to “Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service” along with the filled-in donation slip.
。 - 銀行自動轉賬
Bank-in/transfer: you can bank-in or make a transfer to the account at Bank of East Asia Account: 015-531-40-07656-3 and send us the bank-in slip with donation slipto us.
Address: Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service, Rehabilitation Services. G/F, Pak Ling Lau, 251 Ngau Tau Kok Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
電話 Tel:2342 2244
傳真 Fax:2345 2676
電郵 Email:blessingpiggy@ktmss.org.hk
介紹 Introduction
KLASSE14相信“不斷的進步會讓我們不懼展現自我,我們帶著驕傲信念建立在人群之中” 。這亦是KTMSS的期盼,每一個有特殊學習需要(SEN)的青少年都能有自信地展現不一樣的自己,不與他人作比較而是努力尋求自我突破〞。這次與意大利時尚品牌 KLASSE 14合作的構思是來自迎接2019豬年,並由SEN青年人擔任藝術導師,透過一次共融的藝術創作,讓商界義工及SEN學童為50隻「愛心願望豬」塗上不同色彩,給予「牠」個性及生命。
我們感謝KLASSE14為KTMSS青少年提供一個機會讓他們提升他們整體的發展及學習能力, 當中特別多謝香港交易所(HKEX)的義工,一同為這班青少年打破與生俱來的學習困難,令到每一位在活動中獲得與人溝通的機會,繼而可以在不同的範籌學習,再把興趣轉變為事業,最終達至社會共融。
KLASSE14 believe that “continuous evolving and we are not afraid to express ourselves. We stand out from the crowd and we do so with pride and conviction”. This is also a hope that KTMSS have on every teenagers with Special Educational Needs (SEN). KTMSS hopes that every SEN youth can proudly present themselves to others, without comparing or judgement and strive for personal growth. To greet the coming Year of Pig in 2019, KTMSS and KLASSE14, an Italian fashion brand, collaborated and organized the “Lovely Blessings Piggies Event”. Our youth acted as the art instructor in this art event, together with SEN children and volunteers, using their creative imagination to give lives to the seemly ordinarily Piggy Banks.
We appreciate KLASSE14 in offering the venue and piggies for giving our youth a chance to improve their overall growth and learning capacity. We are especially thankful to HKEX’s volunteers in helping our youth to find a way to make a breakthrough, giving them more exposure to day-to-day human interaction. And ultimately, helping them in finding their love and passion so that they could create their own place in this everchanging modern world.
You are welcome to make donation to support our SEN children and youth in developing their talents and through different programs and training. When you donate $1500 or more, you can take the Lovely Blessing Piggy home right away. We appreciate any donation in support of our services. Hope you can bring our Lovely Blessings Piggies home and dreams come true !
請瀏覽本網頁及facebook 以獲取最新消息及與我們聯繫:
Please connect with us and get the updates of the campaign through:
- 臉書 Facebook
- 電郵 Email
- 電話 Tel: 23423038 (Rainbow)
Our Stories
Art Instructor With Dyslexia – Sheman
Sheman excels in art creation. She’s also the art instructor at KTMSS. At the age of 7, she was diagnosed with dyslexia. As she grew up, she was constantly being scolded by her teachers, making her felt lack of confidence and became withdrawn. Although Sheman was lost at first, she was able to discover where her true talent lies, that’s, art. She believed that art was her best friend as well as her way of communicating to the world. Two years ago, she joined a professional program run by KTMSS where she gained confidence in her artistic skills. Throughout the entire process, she was able to learn and appreciate her own talents. Whenever she was asked to introduce her creation, she would always carry the brightest and most cheerful smile on her. Art leads Sheman to embrace her own little world; she believes one can create his/her own unique masterpiece by having faith, confidence and dedication.
Sheman’s Drawing-The World of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sheman and the Lovely Blessings Piggies
The Family of See See
See See’s Christmas wish
4歲的思思與弟弟浩浩、姐姐彤彤及父母居住於觀塘的劏房裏。思思被確診患有焦慮症,然而輪候兒童精神科需排期3年。其後,思思獲社工轉介至KTMSS的臨床心理服務,於一個月內接受全面評估及為其安排專業訓練,包括言語治療、職業治療、認知及社交訓練,同時透過遊戲輔導,協助其表達感受及處理憤怒情緒。經過大半年的訓練,思思嘗試於課堂說話,又投入參與親子活動及興趣小組。在剛過去的聖誕節裏,我們終於第一次聽見思思說出她的願望: “我想要Barbie”。 思思的爸媽看見她的轉變,深受感動,在感恩之餘,期望有更多貧窮的孩子及家庭能得到相同的服務。
See See, aged 4 lives with her brother, Ho Ho (aged 2) and her sister, Tung Tung (aged 10) and parents in a 100 fts subdivided flat in Kwun Tong District. See See was diagnosed with anxiety features at age 4 and yet the service waiting time is over 3 years. See See was referred to KTMSS for psychological assessment within a month she was offered with training, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive and social skill training. She was also provided with play therapy to help her express her anxiety and anger feelings bottomed-up. After over a half-year time, she began to speak in class and participated in parent-child activities and interest class. For the Christmas just has passed, we finally heard her saying her wish: ‘I want a Barbie for Christmas’. Parents were very happy and touched to see the change in See See and hope more children like her can be benefit from the service.
復康服務介紹 Rehabilitation Service Introduction
服務信念 Service Mission
We believe every child with special education needs (SEN), including Autistic spectrum disorder, Specific Learning Difficulties, ADHD etc., just like any other children, has equal right to receive fair education and happy learning experience. We hope to help SEN children overcome the learning difficulties through professional assessment and training, psychological counseling and vocational training to help them improve general development and learning ability.
專業團隊 Multidisciplinary team
We adopt a multidisciplinary team approach including clinical psychologists, vocational counselors, experienced social workers, speech therapists, music therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, special teachers, in offering comprehensive support services with integrative assessment and professional training for children and youth aged 0-25 and their parents.